6. How to Use the Manage Materials Screen




Compatible with Clip Studio Paint Ver.3.0


You can use the Clip Studio cloud service to back up materials you have created. You can use your backed up materials on other devices.

For example, you can use your preferred created materials used on your desktop on your tablet’s Clip Studio. The reverse is also possible.



You can only sync materials that you have created. You cannot sync any other materials, like those downloaded from ASSETS. For more details, please read “About Data Covered.”



You need to log into Clip Studio to use the cloud service.


On the Manage materials screen, you can manage files as well as select works to be synced to the cloud and download them from the cloud.

This section explains the main functions of the Manage materials screen.

Functions of the Manage works screen (In this app/This Device)

The This device (In this app for tablet and smartphone versions) tab of the Manage works screen looks like this. On this screen, you can manage works created with any Clip Studio products on this device.

(1) Material Folder

Categorize materials into folders. Materials in a folder are displayed in the material list.

Drag and drop a materials from the material list to a folder to categorize it.

Folders can be created, deleted, and renamed.


(2) Select All

This will select all the works in the Material list.


(3) Switch syncing status

You can switch the syncing status of multiple selected materials at once.

Note: If a material can’t be synchronized, it will be excluded.


(4) Sync all selected

This syncs all selected materials with the cloud. If a work’s Switch syncing icon is turned off, the work will not be synced.


(5) Delete

This deletes the selected materials from the device.


(6) Material List

This is a list of materials that come with the application when purchased, materials created users, materials downloaded from ASSETS, etc.




■ Material List (Large thumbnails) Details

(1) Select

Tap to select multiple materials.


(2) Thumbnail

This is a thumbnail of the material. Tap to select the material. When you tap a thumbnail, you cannot select more than one material.


(3) Switch syncing

This will be displayed on materials you have created. You can set whether or not to turn on syncing for each material. If set to Syncing On, the material will be synced. If set to Syncing Off, the material will not be synced.


(4) Sync now

This will be displayed on materials you have created. Syncs materials with the cloud. If a material’s Switch syncing is turned off, you cannot sync the work.


(5) Favorites

Tap to register a material to your Favorites.

Tap Favorites on the left to view only the materials you have registered as favorites.


(6) Display menu

This displays options for the material. You can enter the information of your own material and publish it to ASSETS, or you can get the latest information for the material downloaded from ASSETS.


Functions of the Manage materials screen (Cloud)

The Cloud tab of the Manage materials screen looks like this. You can manage materials created with Clip Studio series applications that have been uploaded to the cloud.

(1) Select All on Page

This will select all the works in the Material list.


(2) New Download

The selected materials will be downloaded to the device at once.

Materials that have already been downloaded to the device will not be downloaded again.


(3) Download and overwrite

The selected materials will be downloaded to the device all at once.

When you download and overwrite files, any changes made on your current device will be discarded and the file will be changed to the version saved on the cloud.

Materials that have not yet been downloaded to the device will not be downloaded.


(4) Delete

The selected materials will be downloaded and will overwrite the versions on the Cloud.


(5) Display mode

This switches the display mode of the material list.


(6) Menu

This displays options for using materials.

The following operations can be performed with the menu commands:

- [Display materials used in app settings]

Toggle the display On/Off for targeted materials for cloud app settings backup.

Note: The following types of materials can be backed up:

Brush tip shape image materials, paper texture image materials, layer templates, and framing templates.

- [Download all search results]

All materials that meet the current search terms will be downloaded.

This download will be affected by the Display materials used in app settings setting.

- [Download all]

Download all materials in the cloud regardless of the Display materials used in app settings setting.

- [Delete all materials]

Delete all materials except those for Display materials used in app settings.


(7) Select folder

Tap to select a material folder. By selecting a folder, you can narrow down the materials that appear in the list.


(8) Material List

This is the list of materials.

Materials uploaded from the same Clip Studio account will be displayed.




■ Material List (Thumbnails) Details

(1) Select

Tap to select multiple materials.


(2) Thumbnail

This is a thumbnail of the material. Tap to select the material. When you tap a thumbnail, you cannot select more than one material.


(3) Download and overwrite

This downloads and overwrites materials on the device.

When you download and overwrite files, any changes made on your current device will be discarded and the file will be changed to the version saved on the cloud.


(4) New Download

You can download materials to the device.

If you have already downloaded the work, this will change to the Download and overwrite icon.


(5) Details

Tap to display detailed information about the material. You can view the file size and upload date.



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