Simple way to organize webtoon plane





Hi this is Miyushi twins actually we was spent many times to draw manga and we decided to convert to webtoon style , I will explain how we think how we convert it in simple and easy way ! Let start


1- Explain how we start

2- drawing

3- final result

Explain the idea

First of all we diced to draw manga panel so we start to design the character wrote the story as the mangaka draw so we start from 2018 afte two years we think to produce to webtoon style so how we convert to webtoon story with no change the drawing just color it …

This is manga panel as we did it so we convert to webtoon


This is sample of the A4 drawing illustration so we start from original canvas as we design webtoon style with drawing the manga style but we divided to each sense with wort and must be using in webtoon is sound must wrote like ( chirp chirp )

Here examples! You can see the each page we compress as one layer then open the webtoon canvas with easliy just copy then paste it then organize it by your story from the beginge to the end

Close image of what the image layer from begin to end , as you can see the layer 4 we did it as on file to add some extra reaction or editing it for example : color it or color the edge

Another sample of the canvas page how we create it draw the illustration on the panel then add the balloon text on the upper after that we compress it by flat image on one layer

Final result

We hope that like our idea and I think this is the easiest way to begin with draw your own webtoon



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