2. Brush Settings




Brush settings

I will introduce the brush settings I use for illustrations.

I build up several layers of thin color using an “airbrush” for the character and a “dry brush” for backgrounds and objects.


Airbrush (エアブラシ)

This a simple brush without any textures or starting/ending effects.

Like a real airbrush, it has a strong blur when used at a large size with a low opacity. When used at a smaller size with a higher opacity, it appears sharper.


Color Mixer (色混ぜ)

I use this brush when I want to blend the colors more than the "Airbrush".

This is a customized version of the following brush that I downloaded from CLIP STUDIO ASSETS.

A texture is set to this brush, so it leaves a brush-like texture when it blends the colors.


Dry Brush (ドライブラシ)

This “Dry Brush" is the above “Airbrush” with a texture added.

I use this when I want to add a realistic texture to walls in the background and so on.


Fill Pen_QM (ベタ塗りペン_QM)

“Fill Pen _QM" is a brush that I use mainly to draw outlines on each layer before blocking in the colors.


Other brushes

I also use the following brushes when painting the background.

▼ I use this “Sponge PH” brush (スポンジPH) when I want to create a strong texture

▼ I use the “Wet Sponge PH” brush (もくもくスポンジPH) to create a softer feeling than the “Dry Brush”.


You can download the original brushes used in this lesson from CLIP STUDIO ASSETS.


Simply search for the artist’s name “siro” or “TIPSofficial” in the ASSETS search bar.



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