How to Set Up 3D Characters (with Bones)





In Clip Studio Modeler, you can import 3D files made with other software and configure them as 3D characters that you can use in Clip Studio Paint.


How to Set Up 3D Characters

The setup method differs depending on whether bones are already set up in the 3D model you want to use.

This tutorial uses an example model with bones, made of several parts, to show you how to set up 3D models with bones in Clip Studio Modeler.


Note: Please refer to the following TIPS tutorial for how to set up models without bones exported from other software for use in Clip Studio Paint as 3D characters.



The functions that can be assigned to characters in Clip Studio Modeler depend on the software and format in which the model was created.



This is the sample data used for this tutorial.

Note: The sample FBX data was exported from Autodesk Maya. The FBX version is 2014.

Note: Please do not reproduce or redistribute 3D model data provided as samples.


[1] How to import the character parts

Start Clip Studio Modeler and choose [File] > [New] from the menu.



A new character configuration window will be created so you can import the FBX parts.


Next, click the “Body” icon (①) in the [Character configuration] window.

Click the “Add from file” icon (②) to import the body data.


From the file dialog box, select the data to import and click the Open button.

In the sample data, choose “body.fbx” in the “body” folder.



If importing FBX data from software other than Autodesk Maya, the bone configuration and orientation of joints may change, so you will need to perform standard bone mapping.

For detailed information, please refer to the Instruction Manual.


Hint: When creating a 3D character with an integrated model

If you want to use a model with integrated body, face, and hair, import the model as a body, then go to the [Character information] window and turn on [Use as complete character]. Then, move onto step 2, “Adjust the model height”.


Hint: About the default character parts

Clip Studio Modeler includes bodies, faces, and hair that you can use to create characters.

You can combine these parts to create your preferred model type.

For more information on making a model with default character parts, refer to the final section of this tutorial: “[Extra] Creating models from default character parts".


Import the face data in the same way as the body data.

Click the “Face” icon (①) in the [Character configuration] window. Click the “Add from file” icon (②) to import the face data.


In the sample data, choose “face.fbx” in the “face” folder.



If importing FBX data from software other than Autodesk Maya, the orientation of joints may change, so you will need to adjust them.

Select the [Move] tool → [Move parts] and adjust by rotating the manipulator.


Finally, import the hair data.

Click the “Hair” icon (①) in the [Character configuration] window. Click the “Add from file” icon (②) to import the hair data.


In the sample data, choose “hair.fbx” in the “hair” folder.



If importing FBX data from software other than Autodesk Maya, the orientation of joints may change, so you will need to adjust them.

Select the [Move] tool → [Move parts] and adjust by rotating the manipulator.


[2] Change the model height

Click the “Sketch” icon in the [Character configuration] window.


You can enter the value for the height in the [Character information] window > [Height].

Entering a large value will increase the height, while a small value will decrease the height. Here it is set to "158.1".


[3] Skirt settings

Note about [Skirt settings]:

To correctly set up a skirt, the skirt needs to be a separate material.

Before exporting the model, make sure to cut off the material of the part that you want to set up as a skirt.


In the [Character configuration] window, click the “Body” icon.


In the [Character information] window, click the “Skirt settings” icon.


When the pop-up message appears saying “If you perform this operation, you will no longer be able to adjust the position, direction, and scale. Proceed?”, click [OK].


Next, hide all other materials except for the skirt, so only the skirt is shown. In the sample, uncheck all options except for [girlA_body_4_mat].

When only the skirt is visible, click the [Next] button.


You can view the skirt from straight ahead to make it easier to edit.

You can adjust the angle in 3D view by dragging with the mouse while holding the left button.

When you drag while holding the left button, you can move the viewpoint vertically and horizontally. Drag while holding the right mouse button to zoom in or out.


Check that the drop-down menu is set to “Top of skirt”.


In the sample, set the [y] value to -3.70, and the [Width] value to 0.40.


Next, choose “Bottom of skirt” from the drop-down menu and enter the values in the same way.


In the sample, change the [y] value to -1.40, and the [Width] value to 1.05.


Next, set up the skirt from the side angle as well. In the 3D view, switch to viewing the skirt from the side.

You can adjust the angle in 3D view by dragging with the mouse while holding the left button, right button, and the mouse wheel.


Check that the drop-down menu is set to “Top of skirt”.


In the sample, change the [z] value to 3.40, and the [Depth] value to 0.40.


Then set up the bottom of the skirt in the same way. Change the drop-down menu to “Bottom of skirt”.


In the sample, change the [Depth] value to 0.90.


You can adjust the angle in 3D view by dragging with the mouse while holding the left button.

Make sure to turn the skirt around and check that the mesh of the skirt is properly set up.



If you set the green mesh slightly smaller than the skirt, there will be less possibility of the character’s legs going through the skirt mesh.


Return to the forward view and click the [Next] button when you are satisfied with the skirt setup.


Next, click the torso in the 3D view. Adjust the size according to how the waist fits in the skirt.


With the sample, set the Position [x] value to -15.00, the Position [z] value to 1.00, the Rotate [z] value to 90, the [Width] value to 18.00, and the [Length] value to 8.00.


Next, imagine where the thigh hits the skirt and set up the thighs. Click the thighs in the 3D view.


With the sample, set the Position [y] value to 1.00, the Rotate [z] value to 3, the [Width] value to 18.00, and the [Length] value to 34.00.


Next, click where the lower legs hit the skirt and set up the legs. Click the lower legs in the 3D view.


In the sample, change the Position [z] value to -1.00, and the [Width] value to 11.00.


Once you've finished setting up the impact effect, move the legs to check how the skirt sways.



If you set the mesh slightly larger than the waist and thighs, there will be less possibility of the character’s legs clipping through the skirt.


When you are done, click the [Complete] button.


Finally, move the bones to check that the skirt impacts the body correctly.

In the [Tool] window, select the [Move] tool.


Then, in the [Sub Tool] window, select [Bone operation].


At the top right of the 3D view, select the icon for “Enable / Disable physics operation” to turn on object physics.


Then move the bones to check that the skirt moves properly.


[3] Adding a facial expression texture

You can apply many different facial expressions by applying a texture to the face.

Switch to a tool other than [Bone operation] so that you can use the [Character configuration] window.

In this example, the [Move parts] tool is selected.


Click the “Face” icon in the [Character configuration] window.


Then open the “face” folder in the [Character configuration] window.


Turn on [Use facial expression texture] in the [Character information] window.


A dialog box will appear. Click [OK].


Next, click the “Import facial expression” icon and import the expression image.


In the sample data, choose “SchoolgirlA_face.psd” and click the [Open] button to import the file.


Open the “Facial expression” folder to check that the file has been imported.


You can switch the facial expressions when setting up the file thumbnail image, which makes them useful for when you want to use the model data.

First, display the expression you want to use for the thumbnail by clicking on the eye icon beside the expression in the “Facial expression” folder.


The thumbnail will appear as the image shown in the 3D view, so zoom into the character’s face before recording the thumbnail.

To operate the 3D view, use the [Camera orientation], [Camera position] and [Camera distance] sub tools in the [View] tool.


Once you’re ready to capture the thumbnail, click the blue thumbnail icon in the [Character information] window.


This will open the “Capture thumbnail” dialog box. If you are happy with the thumbnail image, click the [Complete] button.


The blue thumbnail icon will change to the thumbnail image you took.


[5] Capturing other thumbnails

You can set thumbnail images not only for facial expressions but also bodies and faces.

In the [Character configuration] window, click the part you want to create a thumbnail for.

To set a thumbnail image for the body, click the “Body” icon.


Then, click the “body” folder.


Click the blue thumbnail icon in the [Character information] window.


This will open the “Capture thumbnail” dialog box. If you are happy with the thumbnail image, click the [Complete] button.


The blue thumbnail icon will change to the thumbnail image you took.

You can set up thumbnail images for the face and hair in the same way.


[6] Change model name

To change the model name, select the “Sketch” icon in [Character configuration] and change the name in the [Character information] window. Click on the existing name to change it to a new name.

In this case we’ll use "School girl A".


[7] Save

Once you’ve finished setting up your 3D character so you can use it in Clip Studio Paint, it’s time to save it.

Select [File] > [Save].


In the dialog box, choose a name for the file and save it.

In this case we use "School girl A”, then click [Save].



You can save your 3D character in three ways: as project data (extension: .csmc), in a format that can be imported to CLIP STUDIO applications (extension: .cs3c), or register it to the material palette. 

For details on how to publish materials registered in the material palette to Clip Studio ASSETS, please see the following page.


[Extra] Creating models from default character parts

■ About the default character parts

Clip Studio Modeler includes bodies, faces, and hair that you can use to create characters.

You can combine these parts to create your preferred model type.



You will need to download the character parts from Clip Studio before you can use them.

If you try to load the character parts without downloading them first, the following dialog will appear.


■ How to load default parts

In the [Character configuration] window, click the “Body”, “Face”, or “Hair” icons, then select the “Add from material” icon.


This will display a list of parts materials. Choose a part to import, then click [OK].









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