8. Video work_divided




In this course, we will explain the animation production process at CLIP STUDIO PAINT based on the method of digital animation work of Nippon Animation Co., Ltd.


  • This article is in Japanese. Machine translations are available for sites other than Japanese.



All the original paintings Torres are over. Let's divide it in half.

[1] Register multiple original images on the light table

Register the image in the [Light Table] as in the case of the original image trace.



If you change the [Palette Color] of the number that you traced the original picture on the [Layer] palette, it will be easier to visually understand which picture is divided in half. At Nippon Animation Co., Ltd., the original tresses are shown in yellow palette color, and the middle split reference is in orange.


The palette color can be set from the button on the upper right of the [Layer] palette.


  • If the display of other cells that are not used for work is an obstacle, click the eye icons of other cells on the [Layer] palette to hide them.


To divide the "2" between "1" and "3" in the "a" cell in half, register "1" and "3" in the light table of "2".


① On the [Layer] palette, select movie paper "2" from the animation folder in the "a" cell.


(2) Check the check boxes □ to the left of “1” and “3”.


③ Click [Register Selected Layer] on the [Animation cels] palette.


[1] and [3] are registered in the light table of [2].


Images registered in the [Light Table] are displayed on the canvas lightly.

<Enable / disable light table>

There is an Enable Light Table button on the Animation Cels palette. Click the button to switch ON / OFF of [Enable Light Table].


When [Enable Light Table] is ON, the picture registered in the light table is transparently displayed.


When [Enable Light Table] is OFF, the picture registered in the light table is not displayed.

<Releasing images registered in the light table>

To cancel the registered image, follow the procedure below.


Select the image you want to release in [Light table], and click [Release selected image from light table] in the upper right of the [Animation cels] palette.


When the image registered in [Light table] is not selected, the button becomes [Unregister all images from light table], and all images registered in [Light table] can be canceled at once.

[2] Paper para (medium-sized)

Paper cracks are also required when breaking the original picture, as in the case of tress.

When performing the original picture trace, two paper sheets were used, but when splitting the medium, it is necessary to use a larger number of paper sheets.


The commands “1”, “2”, and “3” of the paper parameters to which the keyboard shortcuts are registered depend on the order in which they are registered in the [Light Table].


If you change the numbers in order from the top, it will be easier to pick up paper, so sort them on the light table.


As long as you hold down the keyboard shortcut, the corresponding image will be displayed.

You may not be accustomed to the operation at first, but let's become accustomed to it little by little because it is a function necessary for drawing work.

[3] Change display color

"Display color change" is one of the convenient functions for "middle split".

Using this function, you can change the color of the image only when it is registered in [Light Table].


① Select the image "1" you want to "change display color" in [Light Table].


(2) On the [Command Bar], click "Change Display Color (Green)".


The "1" line has turned green overall.


Images to which "Display Color Change" has been applied will have a blue square icon in the [Light Table].



Next, let's "change the display color" for "3" as well.


③ Select [3] in [Light table].


④ On the [Command Bar], click “Change Display Color (Pink)”.


"3" is displayed in pink.


When you want to restore the display color, select the image whose display color has been changed in [Light Table], and then click [Change Display Color (Color)] in the [Command Bar].

[4] Middle split using tap movement

In the case of paper work, if the pictures are far apart, shift the taps to move the paper and stack them.

I will introduce it because the same work can be done digitally.



■ 1. Move tap

① Select the image "1" you want to move by shifting the tap from [Light Table].


A round handle or control point is displayed on the edge of the image on the canvas and can be operated with the [Light Table] tool.

(It is displayed at the edge of the image, so if it is difficult to understand, try pulling the screen a little.)


When you place the cursor on the handles at the four corners, the cursor display will change to an arrow mark (⤵, ↗, etc.), and you can perform operations such as enlarging, reducing, and rotating.

You can zoom in / out / rotate the image by dragging the screen while the cursor is switched.


(2) The images were moved and rotated, and the face parts were superimposed.


If you display the [Tool Property] palette with the [Light Table] tool switched, you can make detailed settings for the [Light Table] tool, such as changing the operation (moving or rotating) when dragging and enabling / disabling touch. I will.



You can select multiple images registered in the [Light Table] and move them simultaneously.

To select multiple images, check the check box next to the images in Light Table.

You can move / rotate multiple images at the same time by using the [Light Table] tool with the checkmarked.



<Reset the position of the layer on the light table>


To return the image that was moved with the [Light Table] tool to its original position, click [Reset Layer Position on Light Table] on the [Animation cels] palette.

■ 2. Half split

After overlapping "1" and "3" with the [Light Table] tool, move the moving image paper "2" being drawn to the 1/2 position.


(1) From [Quick access], press [Medium split 1/2].


The drawing paper has moved to the 1/2 position.


② If you want to adjust the trajectory from the moved position, select the image registered in [Light Table] and move it with the [Light Table] tool.


"Half-divided 1/2" is a convenient function, but don't forget that it is an auxiliary tool.



■ 3. Front-justified, back-justified, other ratios

Try "Middle-slit before justification" and "Medium-slit after-justification" in the same way as "middle-cut 1/2".



<Middle split front justification>

After overlapping the images of "1" and "3" by the "tap shift" method at the position where it is easy to split, press "Middle split justification" on the [Command bar].


The position of the picture being drawn moves to the state of being stuck in "1".



<Break after middle split>

If you want to justify the contents to the left, press the "Middle split after justification" command in the [Command Bar].


The paper moves in a state close to “4”.


"Front justification" is an auto action set to move to 33% and "last justification" to 66%.



<Move canvas to intermediate position>


If you want to move the paper in smaller proportions, follow the procedure below.


(1) Select [Animation] menu → [Light table] → [Move canvas to intermediate position] on the menu bar.


(2) In the displayed [Move canvas to intermediate position] dialog, move the bar to set the ratio of paper movement.


(3) Click [OK] to move the canvas position.



  • If you have registered more than 2 images in the [Light Table], you can select "Middle split 1/2", "Middle split 1/3 (front justified)", and "Middle split 1/3 (back justified)". Please note that you cannot execute [Move canvas to intermediate position] including.

[5] Confirmation of preview of middle split

<Confirmation by [Play / Stop]>


When you've finished dividing to some extent, let's click "Play / Stop" on the [Command Bar] to "play".

Click again to "stop".

  • You can also [Play / Stop] with the keyboard shortcut "A".


Use [Play / Stop] to preview as specified in the [Timeline] cell.


  • If you play back with the [Timeline] palette displayed, the processing may be dropped and playback may not be successful. In that case, close the [Timeline] palette to increase the processing speed.


[POINT] Playback settings

You can change the playback settings from the [Animation] menu on the menu bar → "Playback Settings".

It is recommended to check [Real-time playback] [Loop playback] [Render before playback starts] [Quality priority].



<Check by [Edit timeline]>


You can also advance by one frame by using the [Frame advance] function of the [Command bar].

  • In this course, the [Timeline editing] tool is registered in the [Command bar] under the name "Frame advance" and used.


(1) Click "Frame advance" on the [Command bar].


(2) The tools are switched, and you can frame-by-frame by dragging left or right on the [Canvas].



In addition, you can use the keyboard shortcuts ", (ne)" and ". (Ru)" to check the previous and next pictures by frame-by-frame.

,: Select the previous cell

.: Select the next cell



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