Customizable Classroom 3D explained
This is an explanation of the 3D materials for the classroom that I put up for sale on ASSETS.
It is also available for sale on CLIPPY for a limited time, so please try it out.
The materials have been updated with corrections and additional objects.
It's on sale for a limited time, so please try it out.
There are various customizations, but the details don't fit into the material description, so I'll summarize them here.
If you're currently drawing a classroom and want to switch to using 3D materials, but you don't have a 3D material that matches the design of the classroom you've already drawn, you can't switch...I think customizing it will make it easier to match.
However, the object list is complicated and troublesome, so unless you have reasons to change the design in detail like the above, I think it's usually enough to just select the design from the layout.
If you're thinking of customizing it, things that seem difficult to handle without detailed explanations are displayed in the table of contents above, so I think it's fine to just look over those.
Object Description
It is broadly divided as shown in the figure below.
I'll explain each one below.
Switches and operation panels
This is the control panel for the light switches and air conditioning.
It is independent so that it can be easily moved to any wall.
Three types of switches are available.
Feel free to change them to suit the era.
The switches are movable, so if you can rotate them in a way that suits you, you can also use them for frames that show a close-up of a character's hands turning a light on and off.
Depending on the era, it may be better to hide the air conditioning control panel.
Please choose according to your preference.
Wall_Locker side
Trash Can 2
The trash can is number 2, but number 1 is in front of the blackboard.
The trash can has a lid, so there's no need to add anything inside.
The flap also moves.
You can hide the lid if you want to draw the contents inside.
There are two types of lockers: vertical and horizontal.
If you hide the doors, you can change the size as you like using the object scale.
However, it can be quite a hassle to hide the locker doors from the object list...
The origin of the locker door has been adjusted, so it will open if you rotate it with the manipulator.
There is not much detail on the inside.
It's fine for a distant view, but if you want to show the inside of the locker properly, we have installed something that resembles an internal lock, so please use this as a guide to add and modify the lock.
The same goes for the cleaning locker.
Even with a detection accuracy of 100, it may be difficult to get a clear outline when the camera is at a wide angle and the object is displayed small.
In that case, you may be able to compensate with the texture outline.
Please note that if the light source is turned off, the texture outline will not be drawn.
If making the rocker lines more visible makes other lines too dark, use a material for color range selection to create a locker selection area, cut out only the locker part of the texture outline, and adjust the threshold.
Decoration - Hooks
In addition to the lockers, there are also hooks for hanging luggage.
I think it would be a good idea to hide the hooks and just display the boards as decoration.
Decoration - Upper decoration
It's the protruding part on top.
Decoration - Lower decoration
The wood grain adds more detail.
I think it's easy to create a retro classroom feel.
Decoration - Bulletin Board
You can add variety by adjusting the object scale to change its size, or by expanding it to cover the entire wall.
Decoration - Pillars
It's two pieces of wood.
I think this will also create a retro classroom look.
I think it would be good to display this when the walls are white and seem dull.
Wall_Corridor side
The wall on the corridor side is composed of upper, middle and lower sections, A1_1 to B2_2, as shown in the figure.
You can choose between a window (and a door for the bottom) or a wall for the top, middle, and bottom sections.
Top - Top wall
There is usually a window here, but it can also be on a wall.
Top - Top window
You can tweak the windows a bit.
Top - Top window - Rail
I think rails are objects that can increase the amount of information when converting to LT.
Since the top and bottom are independent objects, if you adjust the object scale of the window, you can move only the "Rail_Top" up as shown below.
Top - Top window - Window
The handle can also be hidden.
You can change the window design by showing or hiding the lattice folder.
It also has a lock.
It is an independent object so it can be hidden.
It can also be moved.
It also rotates.
・Top: Rotate and open the window
You can also make windows that rotate instead of sliding.
In this case, make sure to remove the handle and hide the rail and lock.
If you are bothered by gaps created by hiding the rail, adjust the size of the window or pillars or something.
Move the window to make it look like a single window.
All you have to do is select the two windows and rotate them to open them.
I don't know how the structure works for the type that opens and closes by rotating, so if there are any necessary parts, please draw them in.
A1 and B2 in the middle are doors.
Doors can be made in a variety of designs.
・Middle section - Choose the door design
First of all, there are three types of windows.
↓You can also change the size of the window with the object scale, as shown in the image below.
As long as you don't change the ratio too much, I think you can create a natural shape.
Fill any gaps created by transforming the window by displaying "Window_Bottom" and "Window_Side" and adjusting the object scale.
(The detailed names of the objects have changed since the image below with the update. "Window_Bottom" and "Window_Side" remain unchanged.)
If you select a material that displays a wood grain texture, the wood grain may be distorted when you transform it.
We apologize for this.
There are two types of ventilation holes.
Please display them according to the window.
If there are no ventilation holes, please display "no ventilation holes".
Please display the one that matches windows 1 to 3.
↓The door cushion rubber can be hidden, but there will be a small gap, so if this bothers you please adjust the position.
There are three types of handles.
Swing doorknobs are only found on doors A1_1 and B2_2.
You can create a variety of doors by combining them.
The key works.
Middle section - walls and windows
You can choose between a wall or a window for A2 and B1 in the middle.
As with other windows, the rail position can be moved, the handle can be displayed or hidden, the lattice design can be changed, and the lock can be turned to open or close, and the position can also be moved.
・Middle section: Opening the door
You probably won't use this very often, but it seems that some old classrooms had hinged doors, so this can also be used for hinged doors.
As shown below, there is an object called "A1(B2)_Wall_For hinged doors", so display it.
In this case, you will also need to toggle the visibility of the objects at the top.
Windows above doors cannot be used, so make sure you hide anything that says (above door).
If you want to create a wall without a window, make sure you show "Upper wall".
You will also need to toggle various visibility settings for the middle section.
Hide "Rail" (protruding part)
Hide "Door_Cushion Rubber"
Display "For swing door" handle
Hide "Middle Door_A1_2 (B2_1)"
Please do as above.
If you hide "Door_Cushion Rubber", a small gap will appear.
Please adjust the position.
Also, Door_B2_2 is positioned a little further back, so please adjust its position toward the hallway.
↑Adjust the position like this.
Now it's a swinging door.
To open and close the door, rotate it using the manipulator.
The window above the door can also be rotated to open and close.
You can choose between a wall or a door.
↑There are two types of walls: plain and wood grain patterned.
Like other windows, the rail position of the door can be moved, the door handle can be shown or hidden, the lattice design can be changed, and the door can be opened or closed by turning the lock, and it can also be moved.
In the image above, the door lattice design is easy to see using color-coded materials.
Wall and column
The walls, frames, and pillars are independent objects, so you can change the object scale and adjust the position.
↓You can change the design a bit by moving the position and changing the object scale like this.
It's a bit tedious, so it's for people who want to be very particular.
・Decoration - Select a classroom name plate
You can also choose the design of the plate that displays the classroom name.
Plates come in horizontal and square, white and black.
There are also types that allow you to hang the plate.
When using "Plate_Hanging", you will need to adjust the position of the plate.
It should be just right to shift the plate widthwise by about 13mm.
The square shape can also be used if you adjust the position.
The decoration (the square part at the tip) can be displayed or hidden.
Decoration - Upper decoration
It's the protruding part on top.
Wall_window side
The wall_window side is composed of an upper part, a lower part and A1_1 to B2_2 as shown in the figure.
-How to open and close curtains and handle line drawings
There are two types of curtains: open and closed.
↑The curtains are divided into parts so you can change their length.
If you change the object scale of the window, you can adjust the curtains accordingly.
When moving the position of the curtain fasteners, please also adjust the position of the hooks.
We recommend a detection accuracy of 100 for LT conversion of Classroom 3D, but as you can see below, the lines of the curtains will not come out cleanly.
A detection accuracy of around 70 is good for the line drawings of curtains, but other lines will tend to disappear.
When doing LT conversion, I think it's best to set the detection accuracy to 100 and erase only the lines of the curtain part.
For the curtain, use the material for color range selection, create a selection area for the curtain part, and then shrink the selection area.
If you mask the outline layer based on that, I think it will turn out reasonably well.
Try using the texture's outline, relying on a tone, or adding a little extra touch up.
In the image above, the outline has simply been masked out and disappeared, leaving only the texture's outline visible.
Walls and pillars are independent objects, so you can change the object scale and adjust the position.
The window design can be changed.
Like other windows, you can turn the handle on or off, change the lattice design, and turn the lock to open or close it, and you can also move the position.
Windows - Window frames
Each window frame is an independent object, so you can change the object scale and adjust its position.
Windows - Fall prevention
This is a part to prevent falls.
You can hide it, display only one, move it around, or use object scale to make it wider...change it to suit your preferences.
Earthquake reinforcement
I think that displaying this will give the impression of a modern classroom in an old school building that has been reinforced to be earthquake-resistant.
There are two designs available.
In the image above, the curtains have been left as they are, but you can move them in front of the earthquake reinforcement object.
You can also move the curtains to create a classroom with earthquake reinforcement on the outside.
Please make use of this feature as it will allow you to expand your classroom designs.
Decoration - Upper decoration
It's the protruding part on top.
Decoration - Under the window - Wall decoration
It protrudes slightly from the wall.
There are two types: plain and wood grain patterned.
Decoration - Under the window - Decoration board
This is the board that sits on top of the wall decoration.
There are two types: plain and with a wood grain pattern.
・Windows - Turn windows into doors for balcony access
The A1 and B2 windows can also be used as doors to access the balcony.
You can make just the back window (A1 window) a door, or both the front and back windows into doors, whichever you prefer.
To show a door, first hide the wall in that area.
For windows, display an object labeled "Balcony Entrance" and hide the window objects in that area.
If fall prevention is displayed, please hide the objects labeled (Balcony Exit_Front) or (Balcony Exit_Rear) to match the location of the door.
Decoration - Objects under the window will block the door if they are displayed, so please either hide them or shrink them using object scale so they do not cover the door.
Wall_Blackboard side
The trash can has a lid, so there's no need to draw the contents inside.
The flap also moves.
You can hide the lid if you want to draw the contents inside.
This is the stand under the blackboard.
It can be hidden, but when you add "Classroom_Desks and Chairs 3D" to "Classroom 3D", the desk on which you place the blackboard eraser cleaner will be placed will be placed on the stand.
Therefore, please be aware that if you hide the stand, the desk will appear to be floating.
Speakers, clocks, blackboards, etc.
I've only written explanations for things that I think should have an explanation.
↓The hands of the clock move.
It can be moved by moving the knob.
↓If you want the poster to be blank, rotate it to show the back side.
↓The chalk container can be opened and closed.
Use the manipulator to move the container.
There is no chalk inside, so please add more chalk as needed.
↓Small items include chalk and a chalkboard eraser.
↓The powder receivers come in two types: steel and wood.
The wooden one is just a wooden board, and I think it would be suitable for a retro classroom.
If you want to make it look like an older era like the Meiji or Taisho era, I think it would be better to hide the chalk holder and keep it simple.
I also think it would be good to hide the powder tray as well.
The doors of the shelves can be opened and closed, and the shelves can be moved.
It shouldn't be a problem to change the size slightly with the object scale.
If this changes the aspect ratio, either hide the lock or adjust the lock's proportions with the object scale.
Decoration - Upper decoration
It's the protruding part on top.
Decoration - Lower decoration
I think it would be fine to just display "Under the window_Decoration 2".
"Window bottom decoration 1 with pattern" has a wood grain pattern.
Decoration - Pillars
It's two pieces of wood.
I think this will also create a retro classroom look.
I think it would be good to display this when the walls are white and seem dull.
Chalkboard eraser cleaner
It's divided into various parts.
If you want to move the cleaner's position, hide the code and draw additional code to move it without restrictions.
There are four types of ceilings:
1. Square tiles
2. Plain white
3. Plank
4. Wood grain
You can show or hide patterns from the object list, not from the material.
There is an object called a trapezoid, so you can use it when you want to create a slightly unusual ceiling.
I think it's easier to create a retro feel by displaying trapezoidal objects.
The 4th wood grain has a ridge, so there are no trapezoidal objects.
Ceiling decoration
You can create various ceiling designs by hiding or displaying them, moving them, and changing the object scale.
Fire alarm
This object increases the amount of information on the ceiling, but it can easily get buried under ceiling decorations, so be careful about where you place it.
The position of the lights will vary depending on the layout, but the basics will be as shown in the diagram below.
↓The layout of lights 1 to 6 is like this.
↓A to F look like this.
You can turn it on or off or adjust its position to suit the ceiling design you want to create.
There are two types of lighting: indoor and fluorescent. Using just one or mixing them will broaden the scope of your design.
↓The lighting is a little hard to understand, so I've included an image with LT conversion.
It's a simple recessed light.
I think it would be fine to transform it using object scale.
↓The fluorescent light can be in two patterns, attached to the ceiling or hanging down.
Feel free to change it to suit your taste.
Lighting - Blackboard lighting
This is the light in front of the blackboard.
This can also be set up in two different ways: attached to the ceiling or hanging.
Try changing it to suit your taste.
air conditioner
Air conditioning-air conditioning 1
This is a type of air conditioner that is embedded in the ceiling.
The louvers can be moved with a manipulator.
Air conditioning - Air conditioning 2
This is a type of air conditioner that is hung from the ceiling.
The louvers can be moved with a manipulator.
There are seven types of floors in total, including those with and without texture.
Rather than choosing by material, simply display the floor of your choice from the object list.
That's all for objects.
LT Conversion Related
Depending on your style, if you prefer a plain background and don't need a texture, you can turn off "Use Texture" in the rendering settings so that the texture won't be displayed.
The End
There are lots of things you can do and customize, so please feel free to use it.
I'll fix any issues soon.