9. Background
Next is the background.
I lowered the background color’s opacity so I could see the rough sketch below.
I used the [Figure] tool → [Direct draw] → [Straight line] to draw the building.
Trees were added using →[Decoration] →[Vegetation] →[Trees].
After making a layer set to [overlay] above the leaf layer, I added the same clothes patterns.
Minding the composition, I shaded the hair and leaves with the [Pencil].
This piece has objects in a line running from the bottom left to the top right. I make sure to keep this balance.
As my style tends to be flat, I make sure to maintain contrast between the dense and blank spaces to guide the eye.
I made the background a bit paler.
I also added clouds with the pencil tools’ [Lighter pencil]
I added lines with the [Decoration] tool →[Ruled line] →[Dashed line].
The background is done.
The layers currently look like this.