How to use FILL TOOLS efficiently for painting BASE COLORS
March 2022
Tips of the Month
Out of the Tips posted between March 1 to 31, 2022, the writers of the following will be rewarded a cash prize or GOLD!
The themes for the 35th round of Tips of the Month were Drawing Flowers, Handy Uses for the Fill Tool, and Brush Techniques for Concept Art. For Drawing Flowers, we received many Tips showing the ways that the structure of the flower can change depending on its variety and tricks on how to draw them. Handy Uses for the Fill Tool gave us loads of great ideas for applying base colors quickly and efficiently - definitely check these out for when you color your own work! Finally, although there weren’t a lot of entries for Brush Techniques for Concept Art, the guides that showed how to set up brushes to get a textured feel were very helpful indeed. Submissions for the next Tips of the Month have already started! We're looking forward to seeing your entries!
Video Award
This guide actually shows you all the steps on a real piece of work making it is super easy to understand how to use the functions and what options to choose to lay down base colors effectively in Clip Studio Paint. If you find yourself spending ages filling colors, this is the guide for you! The video is also very easy on the eyes.
By showing the hand in the video guide in this Tip, you can see exactly what you need to do to use the fill tool to its full potential. The examples in the guide were mostly simple diagrams, but in the video the more technical explanations were interspersed with the cute character talking, so it kept us engaged right to the end!
Gold Award
This tutorial covers how to draw a really wide variety of flowers. Roses, lilies, tulips, spider lilies... The diverse structures of the various different flowers and how to draw them all was neatly explained by the author with loads of great diagrams to illustrate all the important points!
Silver Award
With so many options, it’s hard to figure out how to use the fill tool well all by yourself - to help you, we recommend looking at this article. Even if you can’t get all of them down, we guarantee you will find at least one technique that’ll help you get more out of your work!
This guide shows you how to customize the default brushes in Clip Studio Paint, and create new brushes for your next concept art piece. The video explains the hands-on usage of the brushes in the process of illustrating, which we also recommend you check out.
This Tip describes how to make the coloring process clean and simple using all the different fill tools. The author is very adept at explaining the various parts, making it an enjoyable read from start to finish! This is a must-read for anyone starting out with Clip Studio Paint.
Picture this - you’re coloring a character’s long, delicate hair, or a line drawing over multiple layers, but the fill tool hasn’t quite reached all the parts you want it to, or spilled over more than you anticipated. Frustrating, right? Fear not, this guide is for you! Here, you’ll find out all the different settings you can change to get your fill done right all in one fell swoop!
This guide explains the special features of the Fill tool effectively using animated gifs. We also thought that the beautiful way that the line art was drawn, and the detailed explanation of the layer structure made it even easier to understand the features they were talking about. The final product at the end was amazing, too!
The focus of this Tip is on drawing lilies. It goes into great details on the unique structure and characteristics of lilies and, building on that foundation, shows you how to go about drawing them yourself. It really helped our understanding greatly!
This one is a well-illustrated guide on how to draw flowers. The way it explained how to apply color and get the shape of petals right was really helpful. The bit at the end where it explained a technique of changing the direction of the wind (flowers) to change the feel of the illustration was very interesting to read indeed!
Here, you will learn how to combine the Lasso Fill tool with Border effects to make the composition and layout of your illustrations, or even quick sketches, just that bit more fun and effective. Even those of us who aren’t that great at working on a really labor-intensive illustration will find this method really easy to pick up.
Bronze Award
Giving away US$10,000 every month!
Submit your "TIPS of the Month" and earn a reward!
Post your tutorial on our theme of the month and share your art knowledge with Clip Studio Paint users all over the world! Each month, we’ll select the best tutorials our users have to offer, giving away up to US$10,000 in prizes! Winning entries will be selected from tutorials covering the chosen themes on Clip Studio Tips, based on various factors such as novelty, range of use, usefulness, and views.