太陽和雨 (Critique: RED SEVEN)





RED SEVEN, sponsor of the International Comic/School Contest 2022, gave their critique for the entry, "太陽和雨."


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Pen name: 林煜雯_Gwen

School: Dayeh University

Country/Region: Taiwan

Language: Chinese


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1) Leave some blank space so that it doesn't start immediately with this panel.


2) It would be better if you showed the reader who the main character is by drawing a panel of the girl straight-on and big.


3) Put in a panel of the grandmother's expression here for more emotion.




4) Put this to the right to let us know where the two are in relation to each other.


5) Is this to show the passage of time? You don't need a rectangular panel here.


6) Looking over this comic, we don't get any one panel that shows the grandmother's face up close. It would be good to add at least one large panel of her.




7) Here as well, it's a pity that you cut off part of the main character's head. Draw her bigger so you can see her face and collar area more clearly.


8) This scene is when the heroine finally comes to terms with and releases her feelings. You don't want to be constrained by panel lines here. Draw the character large and don't use any panel lines to give the reader the full impact of the emotion. Some readers will cry here with her because this is also how the reader will be feeling.




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