How to create an elemental magic brush
March 2021
Tips of the Month
Out of the Tips posted between March 1 ~ 31, 2021, the writers of the following will be rewarded a cash prize or GOLD!
This time, we were looking for tutorials on Magic effects, Optimal workspace, and Lineless Art. Magic effects saw the most posts with Tips on creating a magical glow and drawing different elemental effects, such as water and fire. Optimal workspace saw Tips on each artist's layout and their reasons behind it, with many clues on how to customize our own for ease of use. Lineless art featured eye-catching illustrations with unique examples ranging from cute picture-book characters to ones that would look right at home in a game. Not only did they show how to paint, but also how to use color and textures.We are now accepting submissions for April's themes and looking forward to your posts!
Video Award
This tutorial shows how to create magical effect brushes with a focus on creating a flaming-effect brush. Not only can anyone make one, but it's so easy to use and expressive. Everything is explained thoroughly in both video and text, so choose whichever one is easier for you to follow and try making your own brush!
This Tips shows you how to make use of Clip Studio Paint to draw a magic circle. By adding animation to the illustration, you'll be able to create a stunning piece of work! The first example can be made in 24 frames, so we recommend it for those wanting to try animating for the first time.
Gold Award
This tutorial provides detailed explanations of techniques for creating lineless art for characters. The video included made it easy to imitate the process and to know which tools to use and when to use them. The process of utilizing textures and 3D features was especially unique. We just had to try it out for ourselves!
Silver Award
Learn how to create lineless drawings with Clip Studio Paint’s basic functions. It shows you how to paint different parts using the layer function, how to add highlights, and other organized steps that you model in your own work. The finishing detail techniques are stunning!
This video shows how to color a lineless illustration, from laying out a color palette to techniques for clipping layers and adding shadows. The video shows the Clip Studio Paint UI, so you can see the brush strokes and how the layers are set up - super simple!
Learn how to recreate the characteristics of each element when drawing magic. The attention to detail shown by the author of this Tips by starting with the backgrounds of the four elements - water, fire, earth, and wind - was impressive, not to mention an interesting read!
This tutorial shows how to create an anime-style illustration with a magical effect. It guides you through the various features you might use when creating a magic circle, including blur and blending modes, matching the character's colors with the rest of the illustration, and other techniques that can be used in any work.
Make your magic effects look even more extraordinary by using both blending modes and animation. We loved watching the video, seeing the piece get better and better with each technique. We also liked seeing that it was subtitled so that people can enjoy the video in any language!
Do you have trouble creating a mystical atmosphere when you draw? In this Tips, you will be introduced to several ways to make your illustrations pop with just one effect. It is full of images and detailed explanations, making it an excellent reference!
This guide explains in detail techniques on how to make your workspace as easy to use as possible by having only the functions you need at hand, including how to register your most used functions to the command bar and how to rearrange the palette so that it is easier to use. Take a look at this Tips and create the perfect Clip Studio Paint workspace for you!
This tutorial explains how to utilize the various functions of Clip Studio Paint to create a number of magical effects. It’s full of great ideas on using layer blending modes and drawing tools in unexpected ways to enrich your illustration. Read on and give it a go!
Bronze Award
Giving away US$10,000 every month!
Submit your "TIPS of the Month" and earn a reward!
Post your tutorial on our theme of the month and share your art knowledge with Clip Studio Paint users all over the world! Each month, we’ll select the best tutorials our users have to offer, giving away up to US$10,000 in prizes! Winning entries will be selected from tutorials covering the chosen themes on Clip Studio Tips, based on various factors such as novelty, range of use, usefulness, and views.